Sunday, July 29, 2012

B*tches Ain't Sh*t

Now let's get something straight when I say "Bitches" I do not mean females, I include the male species into it all. They can and do definitely act like bitches sometimes too, so I will try to keep most of these examples Gender neutral. So here is a list of 10 examples of the people I believe are bitches and how they ain't shit.

1. Other people's business (i.e. Let me tell you about...) - So they always want to tell about someone else's business and it's never first hand, it's always passed from some where else they heard it, their assumptions and/or make believe to just being listened to.

2. They never do wrong (i.e. I would never do...) - Always better than you, they will always say how they will never do anything trifling or scandalous, all the while thinking in their head how they just finished doing something  that meets both. which leads me to the next point.

3. Contradiction (i.e. You shouldn't but I did) - While they judge you cause they can't do any wrong, when you bring something interesting to their attention that they may not have done before, they will. They will do it after they told you how wrong it was.Or they will tell how stupid you are for taking back your significant other or being someones side piece, because they already did it and don't do it anymore or just haven't in a while.

4. Running that mouth (i.e. you ain't gonna) - run their mouth about what you or anyone else ain't gonna do to them, but the moment the time arises they be quiet. lol

5. Never see the other side (i.e. But what I'm saying is...) - you can try to keep a bitch as a friend but when you are trying to speak to them about life or even their life and you have a disagreement, they will keep doing #2, 3 & 4 all while saying "but what I'm saying is..." cause they will not see what you're trying to advise them on.

6. Even educated hoes are ignorant, maybe worse (i.e. I'm educated Boo Boo) - they will utilize some of the verbal communication skills they feel they have learned and do bitch things while thinking because they got a degree in something (more likely something meaningless), they can argue about any and everything you disagree with them on.

7. Not all Bitches are women (as I stated earlier) - some men make the worst Bitches. They think because they have a dick and balls they ain't being bitches, some of their friends will call them haters or whatever else. Yeah no, they are bitches too.

8. OPP (i.e. S/He wasn't happy) - They will seek out other people's belongings or get involved with someone they know is with someone else and they have no intention of leaving them. They will tell their friends how it isn't wrong because "obviously they aren't being kept happy at home". My usual response is "and you think they are happy now with you, even though they ain't leaving the person they are with" or "so you think if they leave they will be happy with you?"

9. Excuses (i.e. I did it because) - They will have so many excuses for everything they do because of #2,5, 6, 8 and soon you'll see 10. it's their only way to sleep at night, they think they have justified all the bitch shit they do.

10. Entitled (i.e. I deserve it all ) - Sometime in their life no one told them No, instead it was "oh you're so pretty, of course" or "such a strong boy, here you are". Not that there is anything wrong with giving confidence to young children but some of them turn it into being more than spoiled, they feel entitled and become bitches.

If you notice these qualities in yourself take a step back, no excuses and think of how you look and sound to your friends when you act like this. NOW STOP!!! We all have bitch moments. Some of us realize the ways and choose to stop. Others notice the ways and figure it is their normal life and they only want to live that way, those are the Bitches to stay away from.

Did I miss any?

1 comment:

  1. I will admit i have been the #1 bitch, but I got my own issues to be worried about now. I have also noticed that I know way to many #2,3,5,7 & 9 bitches! that a lot of bitchiness in my life lmao! love your blog keep it up hun!
