Sunday, July 22, 2012

Do You Know ??

So I am moving all my thoughts directly to my managed Google account. lol... it's where I'm at all day so I mind as well stop logging in and typing at that other page... yup I just added Nikki after my longtime name and here we are! So Here is my first blog I've written in quite sometime.

Do you know where you're going to? Do you know the things that life is showing you? Do you know????Great Song but let's reflect on ourselves. Do you know where you're going? I'll give you a couple minutes.Have you started a game plan for your life? Not everything planned to specifics, but a general plan of where you want life, love and finances to be in 5, 10 and 20 years? You can't be a chill , let life come and deal day by day person forever! Especially when your decisions involve other people, most importantly little people who depend on/look up to you. It's time to be responsible, no one got you here without your approval, REMEMBER THAT! Start thinking about your life plan, what it takes to at least get close to achieve it. No one can stop you, sure barriers can be placed, but those can be crossed over with determination or by asking for help.

Now, Do you know what life is showing you? Do things always seems to work out for you? If so, think about some of them, what did you do previously to get the opportunity? I guarantee the goodness came from something you did, not anyone else. If not, again reflect on you! Everything achieved is a direct look at what you've done. ( definition of Achieve: to get or attain by effort; gain; obtain.) Also, look at the people surrounding you, that what most, not all, but most of the world thinks of you. Bring positivity, encouragement, hope and loyalty amongst your peers and they will bring it around you. NO need to be Positive Paula, Happy Helen or Smiling Sue all day/everyday. We all have bad days, weeks and even months. There is just no need to tell everyone all the time that you're down. Keep it to yourself those days or find good ears you can vent to every now and again, but again not all the time. No need to bring everyone down or have people thinking your life is miserable. 

If people, places or goals are being put in your life, PAY ATTENTION!, life is sending you a message. Figure out why that happened, everything does happen for a reason. Because you made a plan and here is help. So I know you may be thinking, "really Nikki?, life brought me this hardship?, For What?, to make me suffer?, I did this to myself? My answer is yes. Sometimes you need to feel the struggle, suffer a bit in order to find out how YOU can make it better. So when it passes it is a lesson learned. Gain confidence or knowledge on how to not to let that same struggle enter your life again. Better yet , you will notice it in time to figure your way out without too much suffering. So think of the negative, think of how it was handled, how you came out and what you've done to reassure it will not happen again. 

So there you are, Thanks Diana for getting a song stuck in my head that makes me view life a little different... 

Do you know... by Diana Ross 

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