Wednesday, October 24, 2012


"Sometimes in life, things will not go your way. You may feel like it will never get better, it as I am now, just in a bad place. Things may feel as though they are falling apart and I know they will get better, but I'm wondering how much worse they will get first. I'm trying to think and stay positive, but that has become so hard. Like everyone else I want the hardship to stop NOW! I want to feel better inside and out. I want to want to have the bad things fixed and I want to stay strong through it all. But right now, I'm tired and sad. Life will get better. I will try to stop worrying and look for a solution. Feeling scattered and bored, being out of control is rough for me. "

This was my thinking end of September when things seemed so out of reach and hectic in my mind. Now I'm much better in mind and body...

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