Sunday, December 2, 2012


I am intelligent, beautiful, respectful, respected, intelligent and I can with stand anything. I am strong, full of confidence, able to take on the world. No one can take away my strength, perseverance, stride or my right to grow. I am ME. No one is better. I am not who I was yesterday, last year, 5 yrs ago, or even 15 yrs ago. I have taken control of my life. I make the decisions. I take the risks that determine who I will be tomorrow.

Tomorrow I will be strong, confident, fearless, resilient, trustworthy,  respectful and ready. I will one day be a wife, a mother and a grandmother. I will always be a daughter, sister, niece, aunt and Godmother. My education can not be stolen from me, belittled or made inadequate. I will get there one day. I will be heard. I will be healed, I will remain me, through changes and my feet planted firmly on the ground.

I will not let your existence take away all I was, Am now or all I will be. I am strong. I am me.

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