Thursday, December 20, 2012

Being in the right place

I moved from Milwaukee to Fort Lauderdale in 2007 because I had planned for 6 months to put myself in a better position. I wanted to be able to go after the life I thought I needed, wanted and was meant for me. I wanted to be more independent than I had been and I also wanted to create distance between where I saw myself going.

When I finally arrived there I thought nothing could be better. I loved my surroundings, living situation was good, I found a job within a month and knew I would soon apply for Masters programs to attend that Spring.

My life seemed to be going great, those first couple months. I didn't get homesick and I didn't really miss anyone that much. I was happy and free. I did have family nearby so they filled a big void I believe I would have had if they were not around. I soon gained a couple of close acquaintances, almost good friends. Then I went home to visit and I soon learned the only things that changed while I was gone ( I talked to my parents multiple times everyday, I did when I lived in Milwaukee and I do still), were peoples acceptance towards others, judgements they made on me leaving, and how old they were. So it made 3 things happen for me. 1- I don't ever wanna live there again ; 2- I need to prove how awesome I am & 3- I do miss my real at home friends! Them bitches know me best and I love and miss the Hell out of the way we interact.
I met great people which have since become great friends. They will never replace the friends I may have drifted from in transition or the memories I made growing up with them, but they still hold special places in framing who I've become. That I will never forget. They were there for me in a time I felt so alone, shared moments and experiences.

While living in Florida I thought I could fulfill many of my dreams there. I could see myself with a great career, nice house/condo, taking trips wherever and whenever and always having the warmth and ocean nearby. Sounds great, right? It was blissful. Yes I had some down moments but they made me want happiness that much more. In all that bliss I still felt, missing. I was lonely and bored, waiting for all these dreams to come true. I realized I'd sacrificed so much and still felt stuck in no where. People around me hadn't sacrificed a thing. They made more money, had more family time and were happy.

Then one day a simple conversation about a football game turned into a great conversation that spanned over days. From texts, emails, instant messenger combos, phone calls and even Skype. I met my match. The person that conversation didn't die. We had the smallest and weirdest of things in common. Our biggest downfall?  He lived in Chicago,  I was in Ft.Lauderdale. I never had a day feeling lonely since that conversation changed. A few short months after nonstop communication, seeing each other in person, we decided to move in together. The question was where? Although I loved Florida I never wanted homie to go through the mixed feelings I did leaving all I knew. So we decided it'd be best to move to suburban Chicago. Other factors applied as well.

My dreams started changing a little before that convo. I started wanting more in life. So when I started to change my dreams and the convo started it all fit. He fit. It all made sense to me. I love this man more than ever and different than I've ever loved someone anyone. I thought kids for me would only be nieces and nephews forever. With him I want to create little ones of our own. I want my mini me to look at him with the same eyes and say "Papi, I fell,  make it better" and me say " I'm telling your father! ". I want to introduce him at my work Holiday party as my husband. I want wedding pictures on my desk and walls.

Do I think this would have happened if I never left Milwaukee? Probably. We were meant to be with each other. He is my everything. My other half. I'm in the right place, at the right time. As time goes on, I know that my right time and place is right where I am , as long as he is right next to me.

I love you Kareen.

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