Sunday, February 9, 2014


So as you may know, my baby girl was due February 5,2014. Today is February 10. Anywho, Savannah is still in my tummy! Having contractions but not close enough to go in to hospital. Got an inducement date of February 11 but hoping she comes, now!!! 

I have been a lucky person, see most of my pregnancy has been smooth sailing. That is until I hit 35 weeks and I fell outside my parents house, onto my stomach over the ice! The day of my baby shower!!! We left to hospital, they kept me 24hrs and I missed my shower I had been looking so forward to. I opened everything at my Mami's house the next day and people love us so much! We got a bunch of great stuff. So I want to thank everyone for everything they have done! 

Waiting for mini munchkin has been hard. Every time a pain hits, it is always "is this it? Should we go? It's been 3 minutes? They've lasted almost an hour?" Then poof no more pain, a little discomfort but no pain. I start thinking of what could get done before we go, last minute things to take care of. Then this morning at 315am I had a horrible nightmare and 2 hours later, I'm wide awake! WTF!!! I've sent out 3 important work emails and began looking up stuff online that came to me as good ideas. Kareen is sleeping better than Savannah in my tummy right now! But he will be up and ready to start the day soon and I will be exhausted! I have one day left where it's just us for sure! Unless my mini comes today!? Funny thing is I just glanced over and realized we still don't have the car seat in the car and our hospital bag isn't packed! So I'm going to let you go while I think, not do, but think and make a list of what to put in hospital bag, email it to myself and Kareen and figure out how to fall back asleep! 

Ugh I can't wait to see he little face and tell her how much I love her!!!!